The HTTP Server in Matrix Y2K is a new and very advanced feature. With the HTTP Server you can parse PHP pages locally on your system without the need of uploading it to your webserver. The only thing you need to do is download the PHP software from and set the right settings in Matrix Y2K and turn on the HTTP Server.

The HTTP Server has a few parts which I will explain here :

Starting the HTTP Server

To start the HTTP Server click on the checkbox in front of "Disabled"

Tabsheet "Server Settings"

- Root : Here you need to fill in where your webpages are served from
- Port : Here you need to fill in the port you wish to use for your server. Default is 80

Tabsheet "PHP Settings"

- PHP.exe location : When you have installed PHP on your system, you will also have PHP.exe for PHP4 and php-cgi.exe for PHP5 installed. Enter the path and filename of the executables here.
- PHP Inifile path : When you have installed PHP on your system, you will also have an ini file for php where you have configured your settings. Just enter the path to that ini file without the filename.

Tabsheet "Security"

Check the checkbox "Require Authentication" when you want other users to identify themselves when previewing PHP pages. If you check the box, two boxes will appear where you can enter your desired username and password. See picture below:

Starting the HTTP Server

1. Make sure all of your settings are correct. (Settings are auto saved!)
2. Click on "Disabled" Now the text will be "Enabled"

When you now preview a page, a temporary file will be created at "" is a direction to the root directory on port "80".

So if your page uses images, includes, etc., then make sure that they are located in the root! Otherwise you will not see the page as you would have liked.

For support on how to configure PHP I advise you to check out the following site:

In the status window you will see messages from the server, not so interesting but handy to see.